Energy Efficiency and Storage

To ensure energy and resource efficiency in the utilisati on of renewable sources, the related supply, conversion, storage and transport systems must have an exceedingly compact design whilst consuming a minimum amount of raw materials. The life cycles of construction products used for this purpose should be extended significantly. It is imperative to minimise consumption of primary resources across the entire system whilst gradually increasing the ratio of recycled materials. Furthermore, energy and resource efficiency enable significant reductions in production costs.

Our Services

  • Scientific evaluation of construction projects, including the detailed design stage
  • Development of concepts for drafting municipal heat supply schemes to integrate renewable energy sources, including geothermal and combined heat and power in urban neighbourhoods or local heating networks
  • Field tests and evaluation of new technologies and supply structures involving all renewable energy sources
  • Development of methods to determine the most favourable renewable energy mix in both environmental and economic terms, including utilisation of waste heat from various processes
  • Optimisation of design processes with respect to living comfort and energy efficiency, as well as forecasts of energy consumption during the use phase
  • Forecast of annual energy generation and consumption, including annual energy profiles
  • Cost reduction scenarios by continuous standardisation of equipment and systems and their integration into the building with the aim of developing a minimalist, simple and highly efficient design of building services
  • Development of concepts for the integration of all renewable energy systems
  • Drafting of climate change mitigation concepts for municipalities and local communities