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Wissens- und Know-how-Transfer

Transfer of Knowledge and Experiences

Commensurate with the ever-faster transformation of the world, the volume of research findings is also constantly increasing, and established knowledge is broadening to include peripheral areas of interest. In this context, we organise a large number of events to support the transfer of knowledge and expertise. One of these is the annual IAB Science Days that host two events in one: the International IFF Conference and the Pipeline Construction Congress. It has become common practice for participants to present their own research findings and to discuss them with a broad audience. This is where industry and science meet to develop their ideas further, to gain new momentum and to lay the foundation for innovative products and technologies. For continuous technology transfer is the only way to ensure the ability to innovate of small and medium-sized enterprises.

The ongoing training programme off ered by the IAB is tailored to the specific interests of participants and includes a wide range of topics, up-to-date information and a high quality standard. We regularly hold seminars and workshops in close collaboration with national and international associations. These events are dedicated to joint work on standards and guidelines and to the education and ongoing training of industry professionals.

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Seminars and workshops

Expertes from the IAB regularly hold  seminars and workshops in close collaborati on with nati onal and internati onal associations. These events are dedicated to joint work on standards and guidelines and to the education and ongoing training of industry professionals.

Guest lectures

Our academic activities also include guest lectures at universities and other institutions of higher education. We also supervise PhD candidates, Bachelor’s and Master’s theses as well as trainees.

Expert reports and opinions

Furthermore, IAB staff prepare expert reports and opinions, for which the Insti tute relies on the support of publicly appointed and sworn experts employed in-house.

Consulting and management of funding research projects

In addition to the extensive research and personnel capacities, the IAB Weimar offers its research partners consulting services and support in the application and processing of funded research projects:

  • Testing the innovative potential of ideas (patent research, market research, feasibility studies)
  • Advice on favorable financing options (advice on the selection of funding programs and favorable project constellations)
  • Support in establishing and maintaining networks (development of efficient research networks, networking with potential project partners, network management)
  • Assistance in preparation of applications (correct completion of the forms, advice and planning of compliance with the required deadlines)
  • Assistance in financial management (preparation of billing documents)
  • Assistance in creating reports (selection and sending of required forms, structuring reports, analize reports)
  • Consulting and assistance during the market introduction (suitability tests, approval tests, market analyzes, error and weakness analysis, design and testing of functional samples, production of sample batches and small series, revision of development products
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