Construction Systems and Components
Sustainability in Precast Construction
The building of tomorrow is essentially determined by material and energy efficiency. Applica-tion-oriented research needs to provide sustainable solutions, modular building systems and high performance structural components. The effort is geared towards automating design, production, delivery and assembly processes.
Environmentally friendly and recyclable soluti-ons
The scientific and engineering studies conducted in our Construction Systems and Compo-nents field of research focus on the development of prefabricated systems and components as well as construction methods, with the aim to implement environmentally friendly and re-cyclable solutions. Research and development activities are centred on structural and pro-cess solutions for precast elements, concrete products and construction methods. Structural components and buildings are developed and optimised with high energy efficiency in mind.
Making buildings more sustainable
Making buildings more sustainable requires flexible and reversible building systems to res-pond to ever-changing living needs and shorter use cycles in production and commercial ac-tivities. This is why we aim to consistently separate the load bearing structure from its envelo-pe, which also applies to interior finishing versus building services. In so doing, we develop energy-efficient solutions for the construction industry.
Developing and optimising structural compo-nents
Cost-effective systems that provide maximum functional and structural flexibility, a high degree of prefabrication and simple connectors ensure sustainable residential and commerci-al construction. This research is focused on developing and optimising structural components by appling innovative moulding processes, substituting conventional reinforcement and using new materials or composites. Structural simulations and pilot tests enable tapping into previ-ously unused load reserves. The requirements for connection and assembly techniques become more demanding in line with the increase in the building’s conversion and extension potential. Activities focus on developing connectors that enable efficient production and de-tachment at the end of the component’s service life.